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Sunday, February 26, 2012

What can XDOC do for you to improve company efficiency ?

In last year 2011, the telecom industry managed to come to terms with two major shocks that have threatened it lately. The first, of course, was the global economic downturn that continues to adversely affect the performance of operators in markets around the world. Growth naturally slowed, abetted by constrained credit markets, and thus accelerated the commoditization of traditional telecom services, while reducing the valuations of operators large and small. Now operators focused on cutting costs and increasing operational efficiency to protect profitability. 

The second shock has been the disruption caused by mass digitization. Both consumers and businesses — are becoming more demanding, and forcing operators to boost network capacity and connectivity. The market for mobile applications continues to grow rapidly, creating yet another disruptive force that operators must learn to benefit from.

One of efficiency factor can be start with documents. Thousand to Billion document will created and need to be organizes.
Solution for this problems can be  solve with smart technology by Axacore XDOC. Document management tools builds to to use up to thousands employees.
Loan Document management XDOC have some features including capture documents from a variety of input sources, and upload to the XDOC server, collaborate documents,centralized administrationa and storage, merging and monitoring create a complete document management solution,  packaged and delivered to customers and vendors.  In many industries XDOC has been used  including mortgage lending, human resources, debt collection, government, utilities,and insurance document management.

Another tools that provided by axacore is Faxagent. This fax is really different from traditional fax. Faxagent can control avery fax machine in your office. It's also to expand phones sytem include to your fax. Axacore are spesialist one that can build simple fax machine become fax server that manage every fax in your company.

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